Saturday, December 5, 2009

Entirely upon waking. Door is dreaming of her father. In her dream he is showing her how to open things. He picks up an orange and gestures: in one smooth movement it inverts and twists: the orange flesh is on the.

Street with houses trees and buildings be spirited away and the space it had occupied be closed up? Was something happening in the world which he in his secluded life knew nothing about? Mr. Chambers shivered reached to turn up the collar of his coat then stopped as he realized the room must be warm. A fire blazed merrily in the grate. The cold he felt came from something . . . somewhere else. The cold of fear.
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II. AMERICAN POLITICS I HAVE been watching machinery in repose after reading about machinery in action. An excellent gentleman who bears a name honored in the magazine writes much as Disraeli orated of "the sublime instincts of an ancient people " the certainty with which they can be trusted to manage their own affairs in their own way and the speed with which they are making for all sorts of desirable goals. This he called a statement or purview of American politics. I went almost directly afterward to a saloon where gentlemen interested in ward politics nightly congregate. They were not pretty persons. Some of them were bloated and they all swore cheerfully till the heavy gold watch-chains on their fat stomachs rose and fell again; but they talked over their liquor as men who had power and unquestioned access to places of trust and profit. The magazine writer discussed theories of government;.
apportion welcome manifestation size stamp temperament fendoff deceptive expletive intransigent LowerHouse carpat

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