Saturday, December 5, 2009

Him. David scrambled up the stairs and crouched just beneath the doors. He stopped to listen. He heard nothing. He put his hands on the doors and pushed. He was able to raise the doors half an inch but no more; they were.

Distressed tone required of a citizen imposing on his fellows. With mechanical promptitude the bodies directly to his right squeezed either backward or forward and permitted him space enough to slip sideways to the edge of the moving walk-belt and onto the stationary plastic floor. "Corridor please " he repeated endlessly as he sidled a step at a.
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Heavier against my legs. His voice sounded hoarse but calm. "May I get up now?" His face was human again pleasant handsome but the illusion didn't work anymore. I had seen him unmasked and that image would always stay with me. "Get off me slowly. " He smiled then a slow confident spread of lips. He moved off me human-slow. Jean-Claude waved him back until he stood near the curtain. "Are you all right ma petite?" I stared at the bloody silver knife and shook my head. "I don't know. " "I did not mean for this to happen. " He helped me sit up and I let him. The room had fallen silent. The audience knew something had gone wrong. They had seen the truth behind the charming mask. There were a lot of pale frightened faces out there. My right sleeve hung torn where I ripped it to get the knife. "Please put away the knife " Jean-Claude said. I stared at him and for the first time I looked him in the eyes and felt nothing. Nothing.
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